Wednesday 29 January 2014

January ;its a wrap

Just the other day was the begining of the year and we didd not believe it.Now january is over i still cant believe it,i know you cant either.It seems like january has lasted two weeks while to others its been long..Now that jan is over it means a couple of things.
1.Its almost my birthday..
      i can almost smell my birthday celebration.
2.its almost christmas
     we are one step closer to the end of this new year..very weird.
3.we can start ticking our resolution list
     i personally made resolutions but its sad to say i have not met any of them.But this coming new month i will be good(not that i was bad in january) but i will be a better than in january..I will start by sitring down and reading.Since school resumed i havent.I know even you havent started on your resolutions.Dont worry,i wount judge you.But as feb starts really think about how January was and if you would like feb to go on the same way or take a different route..You are the captain of your life,you can decide where you want to go..
You can even decide to make new months resolutions.Its never a bad idea to try something new once in a while to see if it will impact you in any way

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