Thursday 31 October 2013

Our education system

So i was sitting in my office with a group of people,basically my friends and mentors.One guy was finishing on his masters project and we were finding errors on his report and trying to help him out where necessary and dissing him,basically doing all things friends do when together.After going through his project,i got to the part where he is talking about the problems then solutions and his recommendations.This got me thinking,many people do their masters/higher studies where they pick a topic and talk about it.They disclose publicly what problems affect a certain ''thing'' and recommend probable solutions to the problems.After all this where does it end up.My guess is that they end up on bookshelves of the person who did it.The lecturers get satisfied by what the student did,give him/her their degree,masters/whatever the person was doing and the guy goes ahead to look for greener pastures.But what if we had someway of getting hold of the materials from all the individuals who have done  their research and try to implement them,wouldn't they like solve some/many of the problems we get socially,economically or etc.Try and think about about it,all the research done by all those people,instead of being kept in the shelves and sleep we need to implement em.Another example back in high school,we all loved to go for Science congress for many reasons which are completely different BTW.But where does the project that wins the nationally go??Does the owner just go back to school with a trophy and be happy or does it get enhanced to become a probably better practical thingy that can end up helping individuals out there.To our education system,we go to school for many years and get taught many things.But where does all this knowledge go to after we finish school??They get wasted when we try to do other things instead of applying them,we are taught on ways to do things but not shown the way to implement them.My thought is that after being taught all this various institutions should come up not only created by  the government but by us whole.We all have  our duties to play to ensure what we learn doesn't become a wasted peace of memory in our head that we will be nostalgic about months later about it like we always do.Its that time we need to change all starts with me as in u......

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